Thursday, February 9, 2017

Harga minyak RON95 Malaysia - Mac 2017

UPDATE 28 FEB 2017: Perkiraan kami tepat sekali! Harga RON95 kekal - RM2.30/litre untuk Mac 2017! 

Update terkini (pada 27 Feb 2017) dengan hanya satu hari lagi sehingga Mac, KEMUNGKINAN adalah harga RON95 pada bulan Mac akan menjadi..... drumrooooooollllllll

SAMA DENGAN FEB! Iaitu RM2.30/litre

OK apa maknanya dot oren (2.26) di atas? Itulah yang dikira kami sebagai harga Februari 2017. Ternyata ia adalah RM2.30/litre - boleh tahan lah! 98%, boleh dapat Gred A kah, cikgu??!

Walaupun harga bahan-bahan mentah (dalam USD) meningkat 2% pada bulan Februari setakat ini, manakala ringgit lebih kurang stabil berbanding dengan USD bulan lepas, jadi harga sepatutnya lebih kurang sama dengan bulan dahulu.

English version / Untuk versi bahasa Ingris: Click here / Klik sini

Malaysia petrol price RON95 March 2017

UPDATE ON 28 FEB 2017: We were spot on! RON95 stayed at the same price - RM2.30/litre for March 2017! Check back for updates on April pricing. 

OK folks, let's get straight to the point.

As of 27 Feb 2017, with only 1 more day to go, MOST LIKELY the RON95 price in March 2017 is going to be.... drumrolllllllll

The same - at RM2.30/litre

OK what is that little orange 2.26 dot, you ask? That's what we calculated to be the price in February. As it turns out, it was RM2.30 instead which is not too bad lah ah? 98%, can get A or not, teacher? 

The price of raw materials (in USD) is up 2% in February so far, while the ringgit is about flat against USD, so the calculated price is RM2.29 - all in all it should more or less the same!
Look at that big jump since late 2016! Yikes! Heartache.

Malaysia is one car-crazy country, every family must have one or even more cars for each person! Crazy, right? So petrol price - especially RON95 that most normal people pump, is a big fat expense item, and sometimes even a hot button political issue. Despite the laws regarding petrol pricing being made available to the public, and much of the data needed being available as well, there are still plenty of misconceptions around.

You know lah, at the end of every month, rumours start circulating on Whatsapp, Wechat and Facebook about petrol pricing for the upcoming month and lines start forming at petrol stations, like this one!
(Image credit: Malay Mail)

We hope that by using as the publicly available data, we can give you an idea earlier than other people of where petrol prices are going in the upcoming month. We are not associated with the government in any way and don't have any special inside info that can't be retrieved from Google, so take this as a guide! 

Hope we can save you all some time and a long queue lah ah?! Everyone needs a little help in these tough times.