Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Ramalan Harga minyak RON95 Malaysia - bulan Jul 2017

Julai sudah tamat. Klik sini untuk maklumat terkini.
Minggu 4 (26 Julai 2017): Kami terlalu awal minggu lepas. Pergerakan sebenar berlaku minggu ini, dengan harga naik 6 sen walaupun rumus rasmi menunjukkan ia harus naik sebanyak 1 sen. Anda masih ada masa untuk keluar dan mengisi!

Minggu 3 (19 Julai 2017): Kali ini pasaran sebenarnya bergerak ke atas. Minggu lepas kerajaan juga nampaknya membalikkan dasar Raya / cuti yang menetapkan harga di bawah harga sebenar. Jadi minggu ini, kemungkinan harga akan terus meningkat!

Minggu 2 (12 Julai 2017): Pasaran tidak banyak bergerak dari minggu sebelumnya. Harga yang dikira tetap sama, pada RM1.94 / liter. Oleh itu kebanyakannya harga sebenar mungkin sama atau sedikit lebih tinggi.

Minggu 1 (5 Julai 2017): Halo dan selamat pulang! Setakat ini, harga bahan mentah telah naik sedikit (1%), sementara Ringgit stabil. Oleh itu kemungkinan besar, kita akan melihat sedikit kenaikan harga petrol minggu ini. Pergi pam!

Malaysia petrol RON95 price prediction - July 2017

July is wrapped up and done. Latest here.

Week 4 (26 July 2017): We were too early last week. The real move happened this week, with prices going up a whopping 6 sen even though the official formula shows it should go up by 1 sen. Well, you still have some time to go out and fill up!

Week 3 (19 July 2017): Well this time the market actually is moving upwards. Also, last week the government apparently reversed the Raya/holiday policy of setting prices below actual pricing. So this week, it's likely that prices will continue going up!

Week 2 (12 July 2017): Overall the market hardly moved from the previous week. The calculated price remains the same, at RM1.94/liter. So mostly likely the actual price would either be the same or slightly higher.

Week 1 (5 July 2017): Hello and welcome back! So far, raw material prices have been on a slight uptrend, increasing 1%, while the Ringgit has been stable. Thus most likely, we will see a slight increase in petrol price this week. Go pump!